I am glad the movie has gained such a following, and that it is nominated for best picture. It won at the Golden Globes (although against movies like Burlesque and The Tourist), but I don't think it has a shot against The King's Speach and The Social Network at the Oscars. My big question however is in Annette Benning and Mark Ruffalo getting nominations, and Julianne Moore being left out. Benning and Ruffalo were both great (although both dont have a shot at beating Natpo or Colin Firth), but I think that one of the movies strongest performances came from Moore (who had one of the best moments of the movie, were her apology to the family in one of the last scenes). I thought that both of the kids were great as well. AND, did anybody else notice that Mark Ruffalo's girlfriend was Yaya from America's Next Top Model? So random, but glad she is doing something now--I wanted her to win her cycle.
The quote of the movie that really sealed the deal for me thinking it was great was this...
"...Marriage is hard...Just two people slogging through the shit, year after year, getting older, changing. It's a fucking marathon, okay? So, sometimes, you know, you're together for so long that you just...Stop seeing the other person. You just see weird projections of your own junk."
My Rating: A
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